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Weekly Free Agent Pickups |
Each week of the regular season there is a period where you will
be able to pickup free agents. There are 2 kinds of free agent
drafting periods - Ordered drafts and Open drafts.
Ordered Drafts
The Ordered Draft is an optional feature that may be enabled by the
During the Ordered draft period, each team is assigned a pick position
that is based on your current league standings. This is viewable
via the "Standings" link on the left-hand side once you log in to
your team. The team with the worst league standings gets the first pick
that week. Standings are based on the league ranking rules which were
defined by your commissioner.
As an alternative option for the Ordered Draft, the commissioner may define
that the ordering each week is based off prior drafting activity. This more
closely resembles the NFL waiver system where teams that have not picked up
a player in the Ordered Draft will be ranked higher. If a team makes a pick
in the Ordered Draft, they will be placed at the bottom of the order in the
following week. This type of the Ordered Draft is called "Waiver mode".
The Ordered draft occurs once per week. The day and time is defined
by the commissioner. Furthermore, the number of rounds in the Ordered
Draft is also defined by the commissioner.
NOTE: Since ordered draft placement is based on your league standings,
there is NO Ordered Draft during during week 1.
If the Ordered Draft continues through the playoffs, and
the Ordered Draft is in "Rank" mode, then the order will not
change during the playoffs because it is based of the current
league standings which do not change in the playoffs.
Open Drafts
Once the Ordered draft is complete, leagues will move to Open Drafting
depending on the date specified in the league setup.
When in this mode, teams may draft free agents
without restriction. That is to say, you may draft as often as you
like. Open drafting continues for the remainder of the week, and will
continue until the players are locked. When in this mode, you may
draft a player at any time as long as he is not locked. Review the
player locking policy detailed in the
Player Locking article.
Note that during the playoffs, the Open Drafting period will still
begin on the day specified by the commissioner in the league's setup
even though there is no Ordered Draft period.
During the Pro Bowl, Open Drafting will begin each Tuesday at 9am MST.
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