The email address you enter here will be used as your
login name. Once your account is created, a message will be
sent to this address with a temporary password. When you
log in for the first time using your temporary password,
you will be prompted to change it. TundraBall may use your
email address to communicate with you regarding important
notices relating to any leagues you are in. |
We respect your privacy, so we will never share your email
address with a third party for any reason. |
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ATTENTION Hotmail and MSN users:
We have received reports that Hotmail and MSN may be incorrectly
filing email messages from TundraBall to either your Junk Mail or
Spam folder. We have contacted Hotmail and MSN about this issue and
they have replied by saying they use various mechanism to determine
if a mail message is indeed Spam or Junk. However, they will not
disclose to us the reasons that mail from TundraBall is categorized as
such. The only recommendation they offered is ensure that you add
tundraball.com to your safe list so that mail will hopefully arrive
in your inbox. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause but
we have no options on our side to fix the problem. If you are experiencing
these issues, we encourage you to contact MSN or Hotmail directly.
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