Show NFL Scores
The following times are important to your leagues:
- As each NFL game begins, all players involved in that particular
game are locked. These lock times are the published game start times.
It is not when the kick-off actually happens. Players on a bye week
are locked at 1:00PM EST each Sunday.
Players become
unlocked at the start of the following week.
- Under normal conditions, official stats are loaded and standings are
updated on Tuesday 9am MST. This is when the current week
is closed out and the next NFL week starts.
- The free-agent draft opens based on the settings your commissioner has chosen.
This could be anywhere from Wednesday 12:01 AM MST to
Saturday 12:01 AM MST. Check your league rules for more details.
- Player health status is updated each week when the official NFL health status report
is released. This typically occurs every Wednesday and Friday night.
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